Three Gorges

Assessment Results of Three Gorges' Overseas Environmental and Social Policies and Practices

KPI Category Policy Commitments Project Performance
Environmental Management Assessment Results Fair Good
Community & Labor Relations Assessment Results Fair Poor
Risk Management Assessment Results Fair Fair
Overall Results Fair Fair

GoodGood FairFair PoorPoor

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Reference List

  1. China Three Gorges Corporation Corporate Social Responsibility 2013.
  2. Guidelines on Social Responsibility for Chinese International Contractors.
  3. Environmental Management Plan, Proposed Murum Hydroelectric Project, Belaga District, Kapit Division, Sarawak, Final Report, Date: March 2009. Ref: CK/EV110-131/08.
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment for Proposed Murum Hydroelectric project, Belaga, District, Kapit Division, Sarawak.
  5. Three Gorges company interview by a Chinese researcher from Thailand, Kuching, Malaysia, January 2015.
  6. Murum Hydropower Project field trip, January 2015.
  7. Three Gorges’ comments on the draft, May 25th, 2015.