
Assessment Results of Datang's Overseas Environmental and Social Policies and Practices

KPI Category Policy Commitments Project Performance
Environmental Management Assessment Results Fair Poor
Community & Labor Relations Assessment Results Good Poor
Risk Management Assessment Results Good Poor
Overall Results Good Poor

GoodGood FairFair PoorPoor

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Reference List

  1. China Datang Corporation Corporate Social Responsibilities Reports 2006-2013.
  2. Comments on the Initial Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) Report on Atai Hydropower Projet in Veal Veng District, Pursat Province by SAWAC Consultants for Development July 2008 by NGOF.
  3. China Datang Corporation Regulation on Environmental Protection.
  4. China Datang Corporation Handbook on Safety Risk Evaluation for Datang’s Hydropower Companies.
  5. China Datang Corporation Regulation on Project Safety, Health and Environment.
  6. China Datang Corporation Regulation on Emergency Management for Safety in Production.
  7. Clean Development Mechanism Project Design Document Form (CDM-PDD) of Cambodia Stung Atai Hydropower Project, Version 3 - In Effect as of: 28 July 2006.
  8. CDM Validation Report for Cambodia Stung Atai Hydropower Project by Japan Consulting Institute, 18 December 2012. Report No. JCI-CDM-VAL-11-182, Reviosion No. 02.
  9. Company Interview, Datang, Beijing, May 14, 2014.
  10. Cambodian Stung Atai Hydropower Project field trip (December 9th 2014 to Jan 8th 2015).
  11. Fourth missing in dam disaster, say witnesses.
  12. Stung Atai Hydro-Electric BOT Project in Veal Veng District Pursat Pronvince Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
  13. The calculus of logging.

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